Tianeptine sulfate


Tianeptine sulfate powder

SKU: tianeptine-sulfate

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Tianeptine sulfate


OTHER NAMES: Coaxil; Salymbra; Stablon; Tatinol; Tianeurax; Tynept; Zinosal; tianeptine sulfate;(Thiazepin-11-ylAmino)Heptanoic Acid Semisulfate Monohydrate Tianeptine Semisulfate Monohydrate;7-[(3-Chloro-6,11-dihydro-6-methyl-5,5-dioxidodibenzo[c,f][1,2]thiazepin-11-yl)amino]heptanoic acid sulfate hydrate (2:1:2);Tianeptine hemisulfate monohydrate (THM)

CAS NUMBER: 1224690-84-9



MOLAR MASS: 535.0 g/mol

ITEM TYPE: powder

QUANTITY PER PACK: 1 gram to 5 grams

STORAGE: Store in a cool and dry place. Keep away from direct sunlight and heat. Keep out of reach of children.

SCOOPS: This product includes a measuring scoop (yellow) = 12 mg (approximately, bigger).

The product is not intended for human use. For laboratory use only.

Tianeptine is an atypical tricyclic antidepressant, available under the trade names such as Stablon, Coaxil or Tatinol. While it is mainly used in the treatment of major depressive disorder, its other indications include anxiety disorders, asthma and irritable bowel syndrome.

Tianeptine has been shown to display significant anxiolytic properties and as such is useful in treating a spectrum of anxiety disorders, including panic disorder. In comparison with other tricyclic antidepressants, tianeptine is linked to fewer cardiovascular, anticholinergic, sedative and appetite-inducing adverse effects.

Antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of tianeptine are currently believed to be produced through indirect alteration and inhibition of glutamate receptor activity and the release of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). It is also hypothesized to protect against stress-induced neuronal remodelling. Tianeptine is known to moderately enhance the mesolimbic release of dopamine and potentiate its D2 and D3 receptors. Furthermore, tianeptine has been found to act as an atypical agonist of the μ-opioid receptor. Interestingly enough, studies on mice suggest that its opioid action is vital to its behavioral antidepressant-like effects.

According to some studies, tianeptine might be slightly effective treatment for ADHD, reducing hyperactive behaviors and enabling greater attentional ability with minimal side effects. A recent fMRI study has provided the first evidence that tianeptine can shift atypical brain activation during executive functioning tasks in adults with autism spectrum disorder towards control levels.

There are some disadvantages to the sodium form. Unlike many antidepressants, it has to be taken three times a day and is best absorbed when taken about 15 minutes before a meal, which, for many people, could be a challenging schedule to follow. While some people experience immediate benefits, it takes at least a week for its active metabolite to achieve stable blood levels and develop sustainable effects.

Whereas there is no risk of addiction and withdrawal with doses within the normal therapeutic range, tianeptine sodium is known to induce a short-lived euphoria, causing the urge to re-dose.

The sulfate form is designed to address the limitations and risks associated with its predecessor. It’s superior to sodium in terms of water solubility, so taking it on empty stomach isn’t likely to hinder its bioavailability. It has a significantly longer duration, and seems to be capable of producing consistent, low-key feelings of contentment and ease without that slowly fade away. With proper dosage schedule, tolerance development to such effects is negligible, but since they can be experienced upon a single administration, the sulfate form of tianeptine is also appropriate for ad hoc use.

Benefits of taking tianeptine sulfate

  • enhanced mood;
  • anxiolytic effects;
  • decreased impulsivity;
  • enhanced concentration and focus;
  • increased cognitive flexibility;
  • reduced social anxiety;
  • boost in motivation;
  • anti-convulsant and analgesic effects.

Side effects

  • nightmares;
  • abdominal pain;
  • constipation;
  • drowsiness;
  • risk of addiction at doses well above the therapeutic range.


As mentioned before, tianeptine sulfate can be taken with or without meals. It is typically dosed at 25 – 40 mg once or twice a day. As some users find its effects to be stimulating, it is advised not to take it in the evenings.

Some users find that once the antidepressant effects of tianeptine sulfate are stable, they are able to reduce the dosage, while some prefer to take it on ad hoc basis when anticipating a particularly challenging and stressful day.